What do you have in mind? How many? Doing what? What type of guys? Where? To come up with something specific, think specifically what you want.
It takes usually a minimum of about 20 hours for me to plan a group play, sometimes double that or more. Most of this time is spent online or with the phone contacting guys personally. I have in mind a certain type of guy: fit, sexy, and friendly. If I get weird vibes socially from the guy's profile, or interacting with him via email/text, then I don't invite him. I don't give out my address until we've interacted a bit - to feel him out. For example, I had one guy demand, literally, that he be the only bottom. He wanted to be "gang fucked," he said. While he was phenomenally hot, I told him directly that the world did not rotate around him, and that there were other guys who might want to bottom. Obviously he didn't get the address. I want friendly, hopefully easy to talk to guys, no drama, just fun. And that's what we've had.
Some of the sites that I use are dudesnude, grindr, adam4adam, manhunt, and even facebook. Occasionally I've put up an ad on craigslist with pictures (key factor), and gotten good responses there, stating clearly my intentions and parameters. Parameters are more energetic than dogmatic. For example, "fit and socially friendly" not "only 25-35 y.o.." There's nothing wrong with very specific, some people prefer it that way. I just find that by being open to individuals I've often been pleasantly surprised.
I interact with each guy personally. This helps me discern his energy a bit. It also makes it more personal and real. I set the tone from here. And the guys invest themselves. If we've interacted a few times, a guy is less likely to blow me off. If he needs to change plans, he'll usually contact me and let me know.
It's also a numbers game. Invite a large number, and expect only a percentage of those to show up. I never know exactly how many will come. I have a general idea, after doing this a few times, but still it is a continual exercise in letting go of specific expectations. Create intentions and spaces, and let specific outcomes show up as they may. I've always been rewarded.
I start as much as a month before, but the sweet period seems to be about two weeks before. I invite guys, start making a list of "yes" "maybe's" and "no's." A few days before I send a personal text or email to each of the guys letting them know I'm looking forward to seeing them. A couple lines. And to many the day of the event, or the day previous. A one or two-lines.
I make sure the space if comfortable. Dark and colored sheets and pillow cases to protect my furniture. Condoms and lube for everyone. Lighting, music in the background, garbage cans tucked around the corner. Water, or drinks, and snacks like blueberries, gummy bears, nuts, mints, or whatever to keep up the energy.
Since I can tend to work myself up in a little frenzy of activity before-hand, I take a few minutes before-hand to literally lay on my back, breathe and be grateful, bless myself, bless the guys that are coming. This last time I also grabbed a towel and my warm glass dildo. Prepared and self-honoring. I'll be the host, and the guys will take much of their cues from me. I want be welcoming, cordial, and help set up the energetic space. Even though I do still get some jitters, I do this best from a place of groundedness.
Organize a group play event. You and the guys will thank you!