Friday, September 14, 2012

delicious night

tonight I walk
6 miles home
past midnight

sweet ocean smells
summer stars
delicious night 

my city sleeps 
millions in
and I savor
like a lucious flower

not knowing 
if I will 
see her many years
or if this is it

melancholy joy

on the romp this morn
lanky paleo diet man

so sweet and skilled in bed
and so quiet

thinking how I will tell my lover
who I wept under 
2 mornings ago
in another paradise 

I worry about his feelings
yet I will have my freedom

I accept no cage

trust it will be fine 

and beautiful petit muscle capoeira man 
wounded yet open 

frenzied fuck with the otter
before work
damn its hot to be alive 
I smile remembering 

sometimes I wonder
why am I so driven 
is there something wrong with me? 

it is what it is

I accept and honor 
this drinking in 

bearded man with cancer
holy spiritual 
I read his book 
having met him as his servant 
and think on his life
alaska solitary nights
rowing on the moonlit sea
walking on the island snow trail

resigned to simplicity

I pass a homeless man 
sitting before the bridge

do I become a teacher
online entrepreneur
where is my calling 

many questions
many moments to surrender
to fullness all around 

man this day was good 
a good day to die

not that I want to die today
but that I lived it fully

this delicious night 


  1. That was beautiful :-)

  2. "Damn, it's hot to be alive."
    I know just what you mean. Thanks for the poem. Lovely blog. First saw your photos elsewhere and you mentioned your blog, so I had to take a look. Love it.
