Sunday, September 30, 2012

summer sex and play

So I know I can't get too serious all the time on you readers here. Here's some just plain fun pictures of some good times this summer.

This has got to be one of my favorites -
the legs open, the curves of the butt and back.
And the trees half submerged in the lake.
Spontaneous unstaged moments.
I love seeing affection, whether simple or more sexual,
guys touching eachother... grabbing eachother, caressing...
just being cool to eachother.
Man, I think he was eager to get some :).


I wound you.
You wound me.

And yet I'd have it no other way.

Sometimes that's life. Whether its our co-workers or our intimates.
Life isn't pretty and all planned out.
It can be sloppy and unintentional.

Communication at times messy.
More art than science.

From many encounters
I walk away wishing...
I'd said or listened slightly differently.

No reason to beat myself up, or him
Just be patient
And do it again next time
With the little wisdom
I learned
This go around

Thursday, September 20, 2012

how I met my honey

The short answer of how I met my Honey: online.

The longer story: I'd turned 37 and was going to school for the second time. There were three break-throughs for me. As cliche as some of the language might sound, this was my reality.

break-through #1: surrendering my heart to love

I'd dated a couple of guys for several months, and - taking the suggestion of a friend - "let go" and let myself fall in love - with a guy. Wow. To allow another person to love me fully. And to love him fully. Without reservation.

So breaking up with the last man was the hardest thing ever. I cried and cried. I feel like I understand what it is to be divorced on some level. Boy I'd loved him, and still do, even though it wouldn't work. I include these details because I think it's important to surrender to love, to being vulnerable enough to give one's heart to someone.

Dating, I found out what I would have, and would not have. A must (for me): someone who listened. Also, someone who was introspectively honest, and good at communication. Not to mention attractive to me. I thought that I could ask that he be at least what I felt some competence in: listening, a regular level of fitness, emotionally awake to himself.

break-through #2: loving my body

I'd long thought that my body was too imperfect. Those love-handles and that stubborn soft pooch under my navel particularly. I looked at other guys like me, and could easily like them. But to think that another quality guy would sincerely love me in my body was a stretch. Rationally I could see my folly, but emotionally I was still attached to this resistant idea.

I knew too that if I hoped for another to love me, it had to start with me viewing myself with sincere compassion and like. Why love everyone else except the very man who is me? Didn't I deserve to be loved and mentored, blessed by my own archetypal wiser self? So I started with simple exercises, that at first were an outrageous and ridiculous stretch: stand in front of the mirror after a shower, and love all the parts of me. Particularly the "tougher" parts to love. To look with gratitude, thankfulness, and feel gladness. Would I do me? Or someone like me? The answer had to be yes. And with a little humor it was. For some guys this wouldn't be a stretch... in fact it'd be a stretch to stop thinking of themselves... but for me at this point this was a useful exercise. Because then I could open the door for someone to love me fully.

As hokey as it might sound to some, taking an idea from Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements, I'd bless distinct body parts as I washed over them with soap in the shower, or similar. The thighs, the abdomen, the knees, the toes, the obliques, the pecs, the hands. Pause and be grateful for the contribution. Love, really. Getting the vibrations right and well. Not in an arrogant way. More in a profound spiritual way... grounded, humble, at times close to tears for thankfulness... all those years neglected, but still they had served me, and now, I came to acknowledge them and see them. I still don't always love my body. But I can be grateful and self-loving.

break-through #3: blue-printing in my heart

A group of us went nude-hiking in Hawaii and met a wonderful man, who I'll call Rico, that lived on a large property with his two husbands. It was a beautiful tropical paradise with multiple little structures. He said that years ago as a young man he'd climb into a tree and imagine the parts of his life that he wanted. At times when he couldn't think or dream clearly, he just sit up there perched, and be specifically grateful. This always got him flowing in a good way, and then able to dream. He dreamed his house, his property, his businesses, and the two men in his life who he loved living with him. Now in his 70's or 80's, he still resonated with gratitude, with all the things he'd dreamed a reality.

I decided that on my commute to work or school every morning at 5:30 a.m. I'd spend 7 minutes imagining the man of my dreams, emotionally feeling grateful for him as if he were in my life already. I timed it. A small goal that I knew I could do. A mental and heart exercise. I did this for two months. Many mornings I wept with amazement at my good fortune. The details of how his face might look weren't clear to me. I pictured though a tall-ish man with broad shoulders who loved me and adored me. I pictured loving him and adoring him. I pictured being 70 years old and looking back with amazement, my heart full and quivering. So glad to be with him, loving him more and more. Amazed at my serenity, the sense of calmness and security settling me. Knowing he loved me unconditionally.

Meanwhile I'd been active on a few social sites. I'd still hook-up, what other people would call frequently. And date. And be open to loving and allowing relationships to flower in whatever fashion they might, or not. I'd gone through one site and book-marked several guys that I was attracted to and thought might be "marriage material," then emailed them with a flirt/compliment and a frank invitation to go on a date. I shot high, emailing even guys, especially even guys, that I was intimidated by. I think three responded. Two of them I interacted with online, they seemed interested too, but arrogant. Self-centered, all about them. A turn-off.

The third guy appeared confident, but also humble. He responded that he'd like to go on a date. We met at the Cheesecake Factory, and talked frankly about our lives and intentions. Sparks flew, but I restrained myself, hoping to secure a bit more time with him, and didn't get down his pants until the third date, quite an accomplishment in and of itself :).

All the feelings I felt, or opened the door for, in the car on my way to work, I now feel often for this Man With Whom I Intend to Spend the Rest of My Life With. A tremendous security in his and our love. There's more to it than I've written. And I don't mean to imply that I've got the cookie-cutter answer for finding a mate(s), or that all people will find their Love(s) in like manner. But I do think there are some common pathways of opening up ourselves to allowing what we really want to coincide with our behaviors, our thoughts, our emotions. For me, it's not enough to just think it, it must be felt too. And if that means conjured, or pre-event, pre-consumation, pre-creation blue-printing your castle in the sky, your dream-come-true, then by all means the work of emotionally dreaming up your world from a place of it's-already-here-gratitude is worth it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

delicious night

tonight I walk
6 miles home
past midnight

sweet ocean smells
summer stars
delicious night 

my city sleeps 
millions in
and I savor
like a lucious flower

not knowing 
if I will 
see her many years
or if this is it

melancholy joy

on the romp this morn
lanky paleo diet man

so sweet and skilled in bed
and so quiet

thinking how I will tell my lover
who I wept under 
2 mornings ago
in another paradise 

I worry about his feelings
yet I will have my freedom

I accept no cage

trust it will be fine 

and beautiful petit muscle capoeira man 
wounded yet open 

frenzied fuck with the otter
before work
damn its hot to be alive 
I smile remembering 

sometimes I wonder
why am I so driven 
is there something wrong with me? 

it is what it is

I accept and honor 
this drinking in 

bearded man with cancer
holy spiritual 
I read his book 
having met him as his servant 
and think on his life
alaska solitary nights
rowing on the moonlit sea
walking on the island snow trail

resigned to simplicity

I pass a homeless man 
sitting before the bridge

do I become a teacher
online entrepreneur
where is my calling 

many questions
many moments to surrender
to fullness all around 

man this day was good 
a good day to die

not that I want to die today
but that I lived it fully

this delicious night 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

emotional deposits

Problem. So one of my close friends, we'll call him Cutie Who Seriously Thinks Everyone Wants His Cock, for now, is stressing me out again. We've been intense friends for waxing and waning periods for a few years now.

This last month I lent him something important. Drove it to him. Now that I want it back, he wants me to come pick it up! No offer to meet me half-way, or return it. So he got the lent object, the home-delivery, and now if I want it back I need to go pick it up myself? I'm feeling kinda stretched on this relationship at the moment. Like it's all one-way.

Enter: new concept. Let's compare a relationship / friendship to a bank account. (This idea I first heard from Steven Covey years ago.) Each party makes deposits or withdrawals. Deposits might be kind things for the other party, gifts, time, need fulfillment, good sex, pluses in general. Withdrawals might be corrections, absences, negative feedback, tantrums, or other stressful events to the relationship. Optimally there are so many emotional deposits that the "relational account" is full, so when a withdrawal happens, the account doesn't suffer significantly. On the other hand, if people make too many "withdrawals," without making deposits, soon the relational account will be empty, bankrupt, or even over.

This analogy is not perfect, but it DOES point to some helpful patterns. My friend, Cutie Who Seriously Thinks Everyone Wants His Cock, has made alot of withdrawals recently to our friendship, and I'm judging our account to be pretty low at the moment. I'll share this with him.

On the positive side, this analogy has been hugely helpful with my partner: Man I Adore and Get Weepy For. Daily he does adorable things for me. Like two-line "I love you" notes, breakfast of oatmeal and eggs, groceries he knows I like, washing the dishes, making a meal, holding me and listening. So the occassional stressful thing I easily overlook because I see the balance. He has my heart. A long time ago. I think he's piling up years of "wealth," with no expectation of return, mostly because he's a loving person. I consciously do the same for him, randomly offering a post-work massage, leaving a note, placing flowers on the kitchen counter or his side of the bathroom sink, waking him up in the middle of the night with a blow job, getting tickets for a date together. We try to be creative and consistent.

Our "nest egg" relationally is quite sizable and provides us a stability and ease.

Emotional deposits. How is your balance doing?