Saturday, October 13, 2012

barren straight world

Most of the men in the world are straight. Most of the men I interact with are too. Often my need  for connection goes keenly unmet even after spending multiple hours with a mainstream group. Just this morning I spent two hours with a men's circle, and was reminded of this. Or several days ago when we walked along a beach with a male family member, who could not find any conversation more than a couple sentences. Or growing up as a teenager thinking "there's got to be more than this!" Men with no personal interest in talking to other men.

Yes, there are many notable exceptions in the male heterosexual mainstream who engage other males with keen social interest: my dad, one of my brothers, several college roommates, some co-workers, the list goes on. I am grateful for them.

Still I find myself relieved and gladdened that there are many gay and bisexual men in the world. Men who are interested in other men for conversation, companionship, besides the physical attractions. The modern label "homosexual" could also be "homo-emotional," "homo-social," "homo-intellectual," etc.

There are those of us that desire alot more intimacy (of whatever kinds) than is routinely available in modern interactions.

So when I find myself getting upset, or exasperated, I can think: never worry, I'm not getting my needs met in this circle, but I can meet them in another. There is abundance, not scarcity.

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