I rarely take the time to listen to full videos online - like this one:
http://vimeo.com/51201786. Today I am sick and took the time - and this one was amazing. It has many of the long-term Gandhi-like principles I believe in, but often don't let settle over my own personal conflicts. Like this voter initiative in my state on gay marriage. Part of me gets all bunched up in crisis mode. And then dialogues like this come along to give me peace and direction, long-term hope and confidence in people.
A couple of my take-away points, for those who won't have the time to view this conversation.
- Social change comes one community, one state, one locale at a time.
- That's the beauty of our system - an organic consensus - not an imposed mandate.
- Opinions change by people meeting and being friends - welcoming "the other side."
- Civility and doubt are good partners. Doubt being partly not knowing the "right" answer all of the time.
- The merit of having people that are not like you in your circles - they help you know what you don't know.
This video is a keeper. I want it on my blog, if anything, to refer to it again. To take the time to glean again while folding laundry, washing dishes, or exercising.
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