Sunday, March 31, 2013
how to hook-up without saying a word
A friend a while back asked how to hook up. He is by no means timid, and gets laid often, so I was surprised by the genuine question. He'd never hooked up at a gym, park, or other spontaneous place. And wanted to change that. Hooking up is to have a sexual experience, mostly just for the fun of it. He wanted some pointers on the art of hooking up in person, where in some settings almost no words are said. But a lot is communicated.
We rehearsed first the showers in the gym where we both work out at. There are two rows of showers, both potentially looking out onto eachother. The shower curtains can be left open, or drawn shut, depending on your intentions. There are a lot of ways to do it, but this is my take. Choose a shower stall with views to a couple other stalls. Leave the shower curtain half-way open. That way if someone attractive showers across the way, you can exchange curiosities, or draw the curtain if not interested.
If the other guy also leaves the curtain partially or all the way open, that's a good sign. He's potentially "saying" - I'm interested too. I personally only leave the curtain part-way open. It's usually the too-obvious staring-at-everyone way-out-of-shape-guy that signals his desperation with almost everything he does that does this. Leaving the curtain part-way open also gives me more discrete options of closing it a little, without seeming too rude, or opening it a little, being more inviting. They're all pretty clear signals for most people. Open means: I'm open to something (generally). Closed: closed for business.
This is the first of signals. I need to get several fairly obvious signals before I start something. Imagine coming on to a really open European guy, who is used to more nudity, and more public showers, but who is straight. I don't want to jump into his stall with only the curtain signal. So onto other signals...
With the curtains open, we can see eachother. I'll glance briefly at him. (Important step. Alot of this is done with the eyes.) But then continue with my shower. I don't want to creep him out by staring. Maybe turn and give him an opportunity to look at my body, and not get caught looking at me. And show off a tiny bit, whether it be my shoulders, ass, pecs, legs, cock. Then turn naturally, and glance his way. Maybe he's doing some of the same. I take my time putting on the soap and rubbing it in.
On my face I'm trying to look approachable, friendly. If his curtain is still open, and he's looking in my direction, I want him to catch me looking at him. Here and there, increasingly. Now I can look up at his eyes, and maybe smile or nod my head hello. Briefly. If he's not nervous, or returns the greeting, you've now had several signals that things are going well. (Open curtain, glancing at eachother semi-obviously, non-verbal acknowledgement with smile or nod.) There's chemistry.
Next signal: see if there's increased sexual energy. Up to now, a few minutes into it, less than five usually, its been not-too-heavy on the erotic. Now some more soap might go on the inner thighs. The penis really needs cleaned :). Your ass really needs cleaned :). A boner is cool about now. (Right to start off with might have been too forward, with no clear signals that it was okay.) Increased eye contact now is intentional, especially if it is returned.
From here, it's pretty clear that you're both wanting to hook up. You could just do a simple wank for eachother in the shower. Hot enough. Or, if the shower stall is private enough, and you're not going to get in trouble for it, signal that he come on over. More than likely though you'll want to head out together for some more personal touching and alone time. So you could signal a "let's head out?" gesture, and if he's game, you both do. Usually there's other people around, and you don't want to intrude on their experience. You might dress, and then wait up front, or linger combing your hair and head out when he does. If everything still seems okay, you'll more than likely get your first words in outside, heading to the cars, or public transport.
A lot of guys are nervous, but want to do this, and are glad if you help put them at ease and be friendly and normal. Say hello, introduce yourself, smile. Treat him well, and he'll treat you real well in the bed hopefully within a few minutes!
Alot of these principles can apply in the park (though I've only done that twice), at the beach, in stalled traffic, etc. Be careful about places where it's illegal and there might be coys to trap such activities (think airports). For obvious reasons society is trying to keep explicit sexual activity out of the eyes of mainstream unsuspecting masses going about their daily activities. I believe that there is nothing wrong with the activities, just that there is a time and a place. A lot can be communicated with eyes, friendly nods, body, lingering, making your wants known non-verbally. And waiting for reciprocation before going forward.
There will be times when a potentially unwanted partner appears. Signals can be given here non-verbally as well. Avoid eye contact. Close the curtain. Turn away. Don't linger. Make it clear, but polite too. Most people get the message.
My friend was jubilant to announce that he had hooked up from the showers. He went on a little spree trying out his new skills.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
paid rape
A friend of ours did some porn shoots this last year. He's a cutie and a hottie (not the guy above). The company flew him to Texas where he did a couple of shoots. Problem is, now he has a hard time getting an erection, for the first time in his life, in his early 20's. He doesn't like to talk about it, but I don't like some of the things he explained about his experience.
First off, they didn't use condoms. The guys are frequently tested, and are asked to only have sex with their screen partners in between periods of testing. But how archaic is that? And how trustworthy? To ask a guy not to wear protection while having anal sex, as a matter of policy for a company making money off these guys, is irresponsible, regardless of the measures.
Secondly, he described a lot of painful experiences. The guys were hot, but he felt pressured to do things he normally didn't, and faster than he normally did them - like bottoming aggressively quickly. Talk about painful, and tearing. I'd call that paid rape. He's younger and doesn't speak up as much for himself. It is a predatory - or at least thoughtless - company that does not care for the well-being of its models off whom it makes money. I've seen scenes on other websites where the guy bottoming is wincing, grimacing, and pushing the top guy away, and the top just grabs and thrusts deeper. Not cool. Yeah, you could say he's getting paid. But no amount of money or argument justifies non-consensual hurtful sex. It's sex that a guy limps away from, that wounds his future sex-making experiences.
Of course, looking at the picture above, I wouldn't want anyone to judge me by some of the faces I pull while in intense sexual experience :). Just that I think one can tell whether the guy is actually having a good time, or whether he is in pain, or bored, or just enduring the thing. I've seen experiences on paid porn websites which seem like paid rape to me. Rape is defined as the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
A lot of thoughtless porn companies use models for a handful of high-intensity sessions, then discard them, in my view, once the problems they created start manifesting. Like our friend, who now is sensitive to pain and has erection problems, problems likely psychological from a not-so-laughable trauma. Hopefully he's still clean physically. Of course, it's not just porn that does this, but professional American football, and other industries - a tangeant for another day.
Thirdly he and others have said that the "fun" is actually a lot of work... posing for the right camera angles, sustaining stamina for countless stop-and-goes for photographs or producer directions, etc. It's not so much your idea of good sex, but the producer's ideas about what looks like good sex on camera. It seems to kill the camaraderie between you and the other guy(s) and closeness, and it takes a unique guy to be able to withstand all of the demands and still sustain his sexiness.
I DO think there is a place for porn. I love it. In the same breath I'm often bored by it. Or appalled by it. Though we all have our edge as to what we like to see or experience, I would like to see more ethically responsible companies and shoots. Even porn that teaches us something. I think there is an opportunity for more creative - awake - beautiful porn that teaches and gives value.
Monday, March 25, 2013
One of the first things I think of when I see longer finger nails is, "Ouch! that would hurt if he was fingering me."
Sunday, March 24, 2013
keeps us together
Two things have kept my partner and I together so far, among many other things. They are: 1. Giving each other's bodies and time to eachother, and 2. Blessing each other. Recently we've had several friends, male-male couples, break up or go through some difficult times. While there are many factors, including basic need-fulfillment and compatibility, these are among the top two learnable traits that I see as being helpful in sustaining a long-term relationship.
1. Give each other's bodies to each other. Maybe I don't feel like it, but if he does, I humor him. And funny thing is, energies can shift pretty quickly. Sex is at the root of many couple's problems. We know couples that love eachother dearly, but haven't had sex more than a couple of times a year. For some it really bothers them. Or couples that are sad not to be getting more from their partner. Or in a certain way. (I haven't heard of one couple yet complain that there's too much sex between them, though I imagine they exist somewhere.)
My body is my own. It doesn't belong to my partner. His body does not belong to me. But we give it freely to eachother, within the bounds of respect, love, and primal urge. We have this spoken agreement. If he's tired, and I want to be sexual with him, then the burden of the sexual activity is mine. And vice versa. Oh darn. We generally don't say no to each other. I'm flattered and find that most often my mood changes to match his desire and enter this magical realm if I didn't feel it initially.
Giving the body is also a start to giving time, interest, going jogging if he wants to go jogging, or giving other non-sexual and non-physical things freely. Just because I value him, and know that I'm building one of the things that are most important to me: us.
2. Bless each other. This looks like one of us being the "big boy" or the calm and collected one for the other, especially when he needs it. We take turns taking this role for each other. Maybe he's stressed before a big dinner that we're about to host, and I take a moment to gather him in my arms, look him in the eyes, and see him. And thank him, and remember why we're both doing this. Or maybe I'm feeling insecure about something, and he holds me and whispers sweet reassurances. It also looks like one of us doing more listening, suspending reaction till another time, just supporting. All focus on the other person for a few minutes.
When a person feels heard, seen, appreciated, they can continue in a much better space.
This hit home to me in listening to two good friends, a couple in trouble. One would express his sexual insecurities (a very vulnerable spot). The other would react flatly that what was communicated was not his intention. I wished instead that he had not reacted, at least for a time, and simply supported his partner for a bit. Put on some grandfather or wise sage energy, set his own issues aside for a bit, a be there for his man. His turn would come later. But one at a time. Listen, hear, encourage the other partner to say what they're wanting to say. Or comfort when they're down for no apparent reason. Not fixing so much as supporting.
These two things help in the pursuit past a medicre or average relationship to an excellent one.
how to
Saturday, March 23, 2013
hottie brazilian mayor
A friend sent us a link to an online newspaper he follows. Take a look here at this very sexy new mayor of Pelotas, Brazil. He's 27. The website is in Portuguese, but the pictures don't need words. The town has a large gay population. Hmmmm. I'd vote for him!
Friday, March 22, 2013
10 penises
Penises are so different yet so alike. Many people are intent on comparing sizes. The flaccid penis, to me, is one of the most unglorious organs - verging on ugly. Don't get me wrong, I still look. The erect cock on the other hand inspires all sorts of visceral movings and desires in me.
A few months ago I began requesting of friends to allow me to photograph their penis, especially if we were already naked outside or inside. I take plenty of other photographs, why not do that taboo thing and go right for what many of us look at anyway? Maybe I'll follow up with another post of erect cocks, butts, etc.
In addition to length, other characteristics are testicles and drop, circumcision specifics, hair-trimming or manscaping - if any, hair patterns, surrounding body fat content, thigh hair and muscularity, abdominal toneness, vein patterns, curvature (most guys lean slightly to one side), etc.
I think that how many European countries handle nudity is wonderful. They do not restrict it in certain places, like beaches. There is a place for it. Families included. Many young people wonder incessantly if they are "normal," and this provides a perfect place to see what is out there naturally. The internet provides also a medium to see what's out there, but it can be filtered in artificial ways. Viewing an average spectrum of society is enlightening. Obviously my sampling here is more specific: gay outdoors avdenturists.
A few months ago I began requesting of friends to allow me to photograph their penis, especially if we were already naked outside or inside. I take plenty of other photographs, why not do that taboo thing and go right for what many of us look at anyway? Maybe I'll follow up with another post of erect cocks, butts, etc.
mountain trekker bulldozer - love this guy! He's been at the heart of alot of camping and hiking trips over the years, and just gets sexier every year, seriously! |
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singing camper - unfortunately this was the only uncircumcised guy I've shot recently, and not even a very good shot of his great penis. Fun campout though, and still revealing photo! |
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fit philosopher - thinks outside the box on a lot of topics, enlightening conversations. Fun times. This picture get's two penises. |
cock n balls - actual donut sold at Vodoo Donuts in Portland Who said there couldn't be all types of penises? |
brother friend zombie - at naked bodypainted bike parade. He and his b.f. at the time went all out on the decorations. |
I think that how many European countries handle nudity is wonderful. They do not restrict it in certain places, like beaches. There is a place for it. Families included. Many young people wonder incessantly if they are "normal," and this provides a perfect place to see what is out there naturally. The internet provides also a medium to see what's out there, but it can be filtered in artificial ways. Viewing an average spectrum of society is enlightening. Obviously my sampling here is more specific: gay outdoors avdenturists.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
hillary clinton gay marriage
Recent U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced her new public support of gay marriage. The U.S. White House spokesman later said that the President supports this statement. Wow, I'm encouraged. See the 32-second clip here, the highlight, or the full 6-minute speech here. Statements like these, from people like these, influence a lot of people - including my family. The world is just a little bit safer.
team dc
These sexy guys participated in a fundraiser fashion show and model search for scholarships for out athletes. What a cool idea, more on: SB Nation, a website on "sports and gay athletes and fans" in Washington D.C.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
sweet nothings

He'd doze off. Then awake with another sweet nothing. Then doze off again, then stir to say something incredibly sweet again. Waking me gently.
Two years later, these moments are some of my most cherished. These moments don't come always in the day. There can be a few days in between when we are stressed, or working separate shifts. But 90% of the time, I can count on this bedtime ritual. And always a goodnight kiss.
I accept them. Let them in. Count myself very fortunate that my love's last words while he's sleepy are not cross or cranky words, but by default praises and word gifts.
These sweet nothings...
are more appropriately named to me...
sweet everythings.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
journal first week home
10:15 p.m. evening sex with sweetheart partner
monday 8:10 a.m.: my tall low-carb diet partner hops on me!
tuesday 5:50 p.m.: After work I headed over to tattooed sensualist who hollers rhythmically, to meet for the first time. Once I had it in my mind to hook up, I was a man on a mission. On the way over I wondered if there's something wrong with me for being so sexually driven. There on his couch and on his bed, from the skyscraper, I revelled in the beauty and wildness of it. Free - magical - hungry. Great drops of sweat dripping. Looking out the window and in at his writhing form. On the way out I joyed in the cool new night. And walking up the hill. Stopped for a chilli cheese dog. Remembered why fantastic this is. This energy lived full. And spent for now. Tomorrow I'll be able to focus cleanly.
friday 3:13 p.m. Had felt distanced from tenderhearted partner. Finally talked - radical communication - on a hike. Beautiful: hike and results. Decided to alter agreement of post-other-sex disclosure to written form (various reasons for that experiment, won't go into it now). We're getting used to our new schedule together. These talks are intimacy to me. They feed my soul. They make life excellent.
saturday 8:29 a.m. Morning sexy time with partner - okay so I started it - physical grinding and loving. Then both jumped naked into our visiting friend's bed superman shoulders who's been working out for a few minutes of naked cuddling and chatting. Touching and exploring a bit. No ejaculation this morning for us three, but intimate.
sunday 2:05 a.m. Checked into bathhouse after dance club. Went with brother-friend who I met years ago at reparative therapy (story for another time). Walked around, talked, compared observations.
4:12 a.m. Found slender vers bottom guy with baseball cap and had a marvelous sensual fuck for over an hour. God he's sexy.
1:21 p.m. Read a couple fascinating chapters of a new book from Seattle Underground Tour about sex workers accounts of the 1800's in the West.
6:40 p.m. Saw a love scene on Downton Abbey season III with scruffy spouse and took a minute to kiss and connect and tell eachother we loved eachother. I needed that. Thank you my love.
monday 8:10 a.m.: my tall low-carb diet partner hops on me!
tuesday 5:50 p.m.: After work I headed over to tattooed sensualist who hollers rhythmically, to meet for the first time. Once I had it in my mind to hook up, I was a man on a mission. On the way over I wondered if there's something wrong with me for being so sexually driven. There on his couch and on his bed, from the skyscraper, I revelled in the beauty and wildness of it. Free - magical - hungry. Great drops of sweat dripping. Looking out the window and in at his writhing form. On the way out I joyed in the cool new night. And walking up the hill. Stopped for a chilli cheese dog. Remembered why fantastic this is. This energy lived full. And spent for now. Tomorrow I'll be able to focus cleanly.
friday 3:13 p.m. Had felt distanced from tenderhearted partner. Finally talked - radical communication - on a hike. Beautiful: hike and results. Decided to alter agreement of post-other-sex disclosure to written form (various reasons for that experiment, won't go into it now). We're getting used to our new schedule together. These talks are intimacy to me. They feed my soul. They make life excellent.
saturday 8:29 a.m. Morning sexy time with partner - okay so I started it - physical grinding and loving. Then both jumped naked into our visiting friend's bed superman shoulders who's been working out for a few minutes of naked cuddling and chatting. Touching and exploring a bit. No ejaculation this morning for us three, but intimate.
sunday 2:05 a.m. Checked into bathhouse after dance club. Went with brother-friend who I met years ago at reparative therapy (story for another time). Walked around, talked, compared observations.
4:12 a.m. Found slender vers bottom guy with baseball cap and had a marvelous sensual fuck for over an hour. God he's sexy.
1:21 p.m. Read a couple fascinating chapters of a new book from Seattle Underground Tour about sex workers accounts of the 1800's in the West.
6:40 p.m. Saw a love scene on Downton Abbey season III with scruffy spouse and took a minute to kiss and connect and tell eachother we loved eachother. I needed that. Thank you my love.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
polyamory disclosure
Our previous agreement wasn't working. It was that I tell my partner within a day if I'd had a sexual experience with another. Half of the time it seemed like it never was "the right time." But I wanted to keep our "rule" so I'd tell him, and it just seemed so random, sometimes leaving us both feeling awkward and some distance.
Yesterday we talked and came up with another experimental agreement. I'll still tell him, just write it down in a place where only he and I see. That way, when he's ready, on his own time, he can access our communication. He can respond at that time either in that medium or in person. It doesn't replace our verbal communication. We're charting new territory for us both, and trying to be creative in meeting both of our needs.
I call it polyamory instead of just an open relationship, because I am open to love and friendship, conversation and intimacy with more people than solely my partner.
request vs. demand
"Suck it!" he said. Problem was, I wasn't really feeling it... nor the fact that he thought an order was acceptable. I respond very poorly to orders, and much better to requests, as I imagine most people do, sex or not. But being gracious whenever possible is also good, so I just smiled.
Sexual behavior is often demonstrative of some of our underlying beliefs. You can learn a lot about a person here. And a person can learn a lot about life in this arena.
A request is a suggestion with an option to do or not. A demand insists in one outcome. A request and a demand might sound alike at first: "Sweetheart, will you wash the dishes in the sink?" If it's a demand, non-compliance results in punishment of some sort - maybe the silence treatment, no sex for you, whatever. A request makes itself known but does not insist on only one outcome.
Even when we get really comfortable with someone its still important to make requests and not demands. Some people call this non-violent communication. Making a request implies that we might not get what we want, or we may. It's still really worthwhile because at very least our partner (and self) know what we want!
Sexual behavior is often demonstrative of some of our underlying beliefs. You can learn a lot about a person here. And a person can learn a lot about life in this arena.
A request is a suggestion with an option to do or not. A demand insists in one outcome. A request and a demand might sound alike at first: "Sweetheart, will you wash the dishes in the sink?" If it's a demand, non-compliance results in punishment of some sort - maybe the silence treatment, no sex for you, whatever. A request makes itself known but does not insist on only one outcome.
Even when we get really comfortable with someone its still important to make requests and not demands. Some people call this non-violent communication. Making a request implies that we might not get what we want, or we may. It's still really worthwhile because at very least our partner (and self) know what we want!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
threesome lady
I was helping her shower, hot water splashing onto my clothes. Not some kinky scenario, just a day at work helping an elderly lady in one of my job descriptions.
Out of the blue she asked me, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No," I said, not giving much information.
"What?!" She turned her head to look at me. "What do you mean you don't have a girlfriend?"
"Well, I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a partner. Now she seemed really puzzled. "My partner's a guy." She kept scrubbing the shampoo off her gray hair, looking up past the faucet. "People do that nowadays you know," I chuckled.
She chuckled and kept rinsing herself. Thinking. A couple of minutes passed.
Then out of the blue, "Have you ever had a threesome?"

Feeling adventuresome, I responded, "Yes."
"Was it with two guys or two women?" she ventured matter of factly.
"That's kinda personal, you know," came my response. So she lathered up with her dove soap some more. I had to help her keep her balance due to a handful of medical conditions.
Almost to herself she started in. "Back in the day I had a threesome. One day my husband came home with a hair up his ass. He asked if he could bring another person home for us. Well he brought home another guy, and it was the best fucking sex I ever had. All I can remember was screaming in ecstasy in the middle of them. We did it one more time after that."
Wow, how do you respond to that, other than with a big smile?
It's funny to me how varied an experience I can get from coming out to someone. It's not something I seek out, but which I don't make any effort to hide either. I'm particularly amused by straight women who all of a sudden feel like they can share their most hard-core sexual secrets with me. The above was a particularly random and amusing situation.
Out of the blue she asked me, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No," I said, not giving much information.
"What?!" She turned her head to look at me. "What do you mean you don't have a girlfriend?"
"Well, I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a partner. Now she seemed really puzzled. "My partner's a guy." She kept scrubbing the shampoo off her gray hair, looking up past the faucet. "People do that nowadays you know," I chuckled.
She chuckled and kept rinsing herself. Thinking. A couple of minutes passed.
Then out of the blue, "Have you ever had a threesome?"

Feeling adventuresome, I responded, "Yes."
"Was it with two guys or two women?" she ventured matter of factly.
"That's kinda personal, you know," came my response. So she lathered up with her dove soap some more. I had to help her keep her balance due to a handful of medical conditions.
Almost to herself she started in. "Back in the day I had a threesome. One day my husband came home with a hair up his ass. He asked if he could bring another person home for us. Well he brought home another guy, and it was the best fucking sex I ever had. All I can remember was screaming in ecstasy in the middle of them. We did it one more time after that."
Wow, how do you respond to that, other than with a big smile?
It's funny to me how varied an experience I can get from coming out to someone. It's not something I seek out, but which I don't make any effort to hide either. I'm particularly amused by straight women who all of a sudden feel like they can share their most hard-core sexual secrets with me. The above was a particularly random and amusing situation.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
geat drops of sweat dripped off my forehead
from on top him
I looked out the window
then back onto his body
treasure trail leading down
I walked
in crisp air
up the drizzly hill
glad to be alive
glowing if I could
I think of my partner
read his text
asking where I am
I text tell him
worry creeping in
am I doing the wrong thing?
is he mad?
will he leave me?
I sometimes feel insecure
glad for this freedom
wondering if my man
who I adore
can handle my adventures
I withdrew
and he held me
with time I felt connected
he withdraws a bit
sometimes I have the energy
to go after him
and hold and make it alright
other times I don't
resent that he's withdrawing
and I'm withdrawing
and that I'm worrying
opportunity to grow
and bless
and put on the king
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
adam & eve clip
If you need a smile this morning, this 1:06 min. clip just might bring you one :): adam and eve - the gay verson.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
waking night
Many a single person dreams of laying next to a partner in bed at night. Never mind the sex. Just having another human being to lay next to. To hear their breath, and have them hear yours. To matter to another person. To share this life, in the wee hours of the night. That was and is my dream too.
I remind myself of that... this week when I was woken up 10-15 times in the night. Whether by snoring, turning over, a knee, a temperature change, a trip to the bathroom. I'd just been traveling a week on my own - sleeping like a content little piglet. Then returned to my sexy man, but am having to get adjusted again to two in the bed. In just a few nights its again only a handful of times that I'm awakened now. I asked him, and he said that it was an adjustment for him too again with me back. AND we're both so glad to be back in the same bed.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
hot springs idaho
on last weekend's hot springs trip |
a tiny cabin with giggly occupants |
goofy times, snow, and long views down the river |
reminds me of tadpoles and frog legs, except more sexy |
Hot springs in the winter are a great experience. The temperatures are cold outside, but then you get into hot or warm water. Ohhhhhh, it feels good. And hanging out naked with buds isn't too shabby either.
I'm still figuring out my camera, and had it on some wrong settings. The quality isn't good, but the subject matter is still fun. One big camera setting mistake not to be made again!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
journal traveling week
thursday 9:15 a.m.: sex with my lover partner
monday 8:13 p.m. : orgy with 5 guys hurrah
thursday 8:31 a.m.: masturbated
friday 11:35 p.m.: jerked off in other room at friends house
saturday 11:54 p.m.: messed around with hot springs cutie - friends had awesome loud sex in next room - doors open
sunday 3:45 p.m.: cuddled in car back seat on drive down mountain
monday 10:43 p.m.: shower pseudo-fucking
tuesday 8:55 a.m.: morning penetrating and tantric experimenting
There is abundance not scarcity.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Yesterday family were trying to push a bunch of candies on me. I declined. They insisted. And insisted. And insisted. I explained that I'm on day 151 of no sugar. Why? You're always on some weird food experiment. Why are you doing that? Well - I'm trying to reach 365 days without any processed sugar. I still do eat mango, and honey, and maple, etc. Why?...
They rolled their eyes. But you're so skinny. You don't need that. They were just getting started... so I stopped them with a silly cliché - don't judge me please! - and a little smile. They stopped. They saw what they were doing.
Instead they might have said, I'm concerned about... That's a novel idea... Have you considered...? Tell me more about... What is motivating you...?
Our modern society often teaches us to judge in our speech. "That's nice." "It's too much." "You're slow at that." "I hate it." "He's so smart." We label almost everything as "good" or "bad" (thank you judeo-christianity). In it's most violent forms it results in name-calling like: stupid, essentric, angel, stud, weirdo. Even with people at work I'm astounded. When modern people get angry, or react spontaneously, frequently the first thing out of their mouths is a judgement.
At the bottom of this is people's feelings, concerns, emotions. Why not say instead: I'm feeling... [sad, happy, jealous, angry, afraid...]. We're trained to speak judgements. But underneath of that mask are natural human wants and fears. I'd rather hear those!
Judgements tend to close and stop communication. So instead of passing out judgement, it might serve us to be open to hearing different viewpoints, hearing what is in people's hearts. We just might find out that other viewpoints are very much like the ones we have.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
exhibition aussielicious
A couple of years ago I met Brenton at Burning Man, Nevada, all the way from Australia. He has been blogging and photographing for a good while, and I follow his blog for its beauty and personal touch. Lately he did an exhibition with his nude work. Wow! Check out his Aussielicous.
Friday, March 1, 2013
beauty everywhere mousetrip
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from mousetrip - italian blogger |
I'm amazed by how my blogging friend finds beauty everywhere. Some people just have an eye for seeing artistry in common places. They cultivate it. Like appreciation and gratitude. Love it!
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