Penises are so different yet so alike. Many people are intent on comparing sizes. The flaccid penis, to me, is one of the most unglorious organs - verging on ugly. Don't get me wrong, I still look. The erect cock on the other hand inspires all sorts of visceral movings and desires in me.
A few months ago I began requesting of friends to allow me to photograph their penis, especially if we were already naked outside or inside. I take plenty of other photographs, why not do that taboo thing and go right for what many of us look at anyway? Maybe I'll follow up with another post of erect cocks, butts, etc.
mountain trekker bulldozer - love this guy! He's been at the heart of alot of camping and hiking trips over the years, and just gets sexier every year, seriously! |
talkative socialite camper - always takes great pictures, pretty photogenic. He puts people at ease and can talk about anything, is one of those guys that is the social glue of the gathering. Love the happy trail. He outshines us flaccid. |
water lover prepared enthusiast - comes with all the various camping equipment ready. He loves it whether it's raining, sunny, underwater, but especially likes laying out in the sun. Just met him last summer and hope to do more outdoors as the weather warms up. The cold water does shrinkage to us all, but you should see this guy in action :). |
photo artist accomplished sensualist - one of the sexiest guys I've met, happened quite coincidentally. He has a million photography ideas, and "dances" well with others' ideas as well. Ever met anyone that just exudes potency? |
energetic wanderlust runner - amazed with his appetite for life and all things coming from the senses. The underside of the penis has so much variety of coloration, skin, hair. Perhaps one of the most vulnerable/intimate areas of the body. |
singing camper - unfortunately this was the only uncircumcised guy I've shot recently, and not even a very good shot of his great penis. Fun campout though, and still revealing photo! |
first-time trekker - a farily quiet guy, though at ease, and watch out for his surprising skills in other arenas! Different trim jobs. I find that a decent trim job can almost go unnoticed, and accentuate the goods. |
fit philosopher - thinks outside the box on a lot of topics, enlightening conversations. Fun times. This picture get's two penises. |
standing on driftwood log for sunset - notice not just the more-common observations, but also the waist heights, musculatures, hair patterns...
we all get along, everyone is sexy, and every body type is desireable |
cock n balls - actual donut sold at Vodoo Donuts in Portland
Who said there couldn't be all types of penises? |
brother friend zombie - at naked bodypainted bike parade. He and his b.f. at the time went all out on the decorations. |
In addition to length, other characteristics are testicles and drop, circumcision specifics, hair-trimming or manscaping - if any, hair patterns, surrounding body fat content, thigh hair and muscularity, abdominal toneness, vein patterns, curvature (most guys lean slightly to one side), etc.
I think that how many European countries handle nudity is wonderful. They do not restrict it in certain places, like beaches. There is a place for it. Families included. Many young people wonder incessantly if they are "normal," and this provides a perfect place to see what is out there naturally. The internet provides also a medium to see what's out there, but it can be filtered in artificial ways. Viewing an average spectrum of society is enlightening. Obviously my sampling here is more specific: gay outdoors avdenturists.
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