Wednesday, April 17, 2013

no sugar day 193

So it's been 193 days since I've not had any processed sugar. That equals about six and a half months. This means no candy, desserts, or foods with sugar or sugar cane in the ingredients list. This does not mean no fruits or carbs. Lately my partner's reading about carbs has influenced the both of us to eat less carbs, with good results for the both of us. Processed carbs in large amounts increase the inflammatory response of the body. We've also been influenced by some of the Paleo diet, which includes more meats and protein throughout the day.

Now the disclaimer: On a few days I've had sweets, whether because a host made it and gifts it, or because my inner sugar monster could not be kept caged. But I've subtracted those days from the total. Otherwise it would be a little over seven months total, something like 212 days. So technically the 193 days are not all-the-way consecutive. Still this heralds a significant shift for me.

It's confidence-building to go to work, see the boxes of krispy creme donuts, bins of chocolate and candy on the counters, sugary pastries at the coffee shop, and not have any. Of course food preparation - bringing nutritional and filling stuff from home - is an essential to successfully meeting the goal (365 days sugar free).

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