Friday, May 3, 2013

how to get naked camping going

A lot of guys ask me how to get naked hiking and camping with their buddies going. They see pictures of my trips and other trips, and wish out loud that they could join in or do it in their area. Here are a few things I've learned.

1. Love nature enough to get out there on your own. Become a true admirer of the outdoors - delighting in the trees, water, sunshine, mountains, desert, trails, whatever. That way, no matter how many people you get to come with you, you're still enjoying this love affair with nature. Worth it almost no matter what.

2. When you say you're going, follow through and go, also almost no matter what. Don't back out. People can sense whether you're waffling, testing the waters, or intent on going. Build trust. Form long-term relationships. Someone's got to start the leadership. "If you build it, they will come" attitude (a line from the popular movie Field of Dreams). This is one of the most important principles.

3. Ask around. Get on multiple sites, dudesnude, craigslist, and others, and advertise your intentions. See if others are doing the same. Make lots of invitations. It's a statistics game. Filter those you invite.

4. Be willing to travel a bit. There are some great outdoors spots near most big cities, if you travel an hour or two. The main things is to get out there and enjoy.

I first met three other guys from a craigslist ad. It advertised serious hiking for gay guys. One of the guys on that hike introduced me to another male-male couple in another state who did frequent nude hiking. I really liked their style and ease. I travelled from 5 to 10 times a year for weekend hikes with them. This meant hopping in the car or public transport 3-5 hours one-way. I hate driving, but this was totally worth it. I met others of their friends, introduced them to several other interested guys, and have expanded our mutual circles. Several years later, this summer, I'll be attending their wedding!

5. Where can you go nude? In the freer world, almost anywhere away from other people! This means getting off the trail, going to more remote places. And carrying your shorts in your backpack, so that you can put them on quickly if you encounter another group approaching from far off.

The idea is to enjoy the sun and breeze on your skin, not to expose yourself to unsuspecting people. This might mean that you can only squeeze in a half hour here or there. Good enough! In other places it might be all day. In most places shirtless is cool.

6. Get nude yourself. This starts it. If you're fit (notice I didn't say perfect), many a person you invited on this trip will enjoy it, and do likewise hopefully. Don't be too intent on everyone getting all the way nude. Some people are shy and take a bit to warm up. Invite once in a friendly way, otherwise just enjoy.

7. Filter your invitations. You want to hike with people that you are attracted to, on various levels, whether it be physically, socially, interest-wise, and so on. The guy could be really hot, but not fun to hang with. At the same time, I tend to like a lot of different types and styles of people. My main requirements are fitness to actually do the hike, and friendliness compatibility in a group.

8. Leadership. You could wait for someone to invite you, and maybe never get an invitation in your life. Or you could start creating something. Do it! Take the long-haul view, get out there yourself! Someone's got to start the momentum.

9. Be willing to dance with what comes your way. Don't have too fixed an expectation, but put out a positive intention. This means you enjoy the people you're with for a weekend, you make the best of a little rain, you get creative when someone forgot the campfire pan. Few things really are a crisis.

10. Be friendly and fun to be around. Groups are fun. Guys enjoy meeting other guys. The ideal group hiking/camping size, in my opinion, is about five to nine guys. That way everyone gets to feel included, it's small enough that people see and take care of each other and interact, and still there's enough variety of interests going around.

11. Keep a level of fitness yourself. If you want to attract attractive guys, a good place to start is with yourself. I can only expect in others what I live to a degree myself. This does not mean flawless or perfectly sculpted. Who is? It does mean eating well, exercising regularly, and attention to hygiene.

These are only a few ideas. Hope it helps!

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