Tuesday, May 7, 2013

on pussy

A lot of times us gay guys have some negative things to say about pussy. Visceral even.

Isn't there enough shaming already?

A very sexy girlfriend of mine noted that she'd heard plenty of it. She wondered if she'd be welcome at a food socializing event. She'd been many years to Burning Man, has several close gay friends, and it seems that few of them have filtered their remarks.

Seeing the Vagina Monologues - a series of monologues about women and their sexuality - impressed me immensely. I recommend it for everyone. What most stood out to me was the negative messaging from society: things like: dirty, fishy, smelly, hidden... the list goes on. It takes pioneering courage, even in this day, for many women to counter the messaging and replace it with healthier beliefs like: beautiful, attractive, desirable, glorious. Isn't that what we'd want for ourselves and our genitalia? For those of us who want kids, for our future daughters?

Even if you don't find the vagina personally attractive, cannot you agree on principle that women everywhere would be better served with praise and acceptance of who they are by birth? All of them. We, like many groups of people, know what it is to be marginalized or ostracized. Let's not perpetuate other people feeling shamed or weird about who they are.

Our girlfriends deserve our conscious support. In fact, celebration.

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